🪓How to Finger a Pus…
…h Notification? Ah, you scrolled or swiped down. Now we got your attention. Let's demystify chaos. Again!
We know, you, our inKredible subsKribers, are confused about what happened in the past 3 months.
Is this a prank?
Where was iKyu?
NO Canvassing in the Chaos of the trends.
NO Brutal Business Breakdowns.
NO Documentary-style Newsletters.
It feels scary. We felt that too.
But now that we’re tailoring this edition, it can only mean one thing…
Are we back?
By using our Phonetic spelling acrobatics in every sentence, combining it with our special love for “K”, there’s a lot to (K)atch… catch up on.
This edition was originally drafted, titled “End (K)redits”.
We need to rewind our tapes…
A simple Re(K)ap:
End (K)redits
What is a cult?
“Small group with excessive control”
That’s the definition, principle, and belief we operate on.
And that’s what we are building.
The cult of iKyu. Nah, looks boring…
“The (K)ult of iKyu.” Perfect.
The question is how are we doing that?
How are we building a cult? What’s our game plan? Why are we doing this? What are we?
If we can be brutally honest with all of you — The answer is “idK”
Our game plan is Nothing.
We have no clue why we are doing this.All we know is…
We are just an iNternet (K)ontent (K)ompany.
So we are back to doing what we are supposed to do…
Hand(K)raft the most beautiful experience and serve it to you.
That’s iKyu.
Still wondering…
Only a Newsletter? That’s it? That’s all you got?
A (K)ontent (K)ompany with no (K)ontent Products?
*ahem* Well…